What else can we expect from such people ?
Roy, who said she is participating in the protest because she is against death penalty, also added, "The whole case is full of faulty evidence and fabricated stories and to hang someone for something he may not have done is not fair." She demanded a Parliamentary inquiry into the case.
When she says that she was participating because she was against death penalty, why does she also say that the whole case is full of faulty evidence ? So the intention of the protest is not against the death penalty. Protesting death panalty is different from criticizing the case. Why is she trying to conduct the street or media trial here ?? Apart from writing, has she started practising the law ? For a case which took around 5 years for the judiciary to convict the accused, her performance of passing judgement is pretty impressive. :-)
Interestingly the sit-in was organized by S A R Geelani who was acquitted in the case earlier. So the acquittal of one is fair and the conviction of another is unfair ?