Sunday, August 06, 2006

Congress against anti-conversion laws: Sonia - Contd

Let's give the benefit of doubt to this Congress leader that she might not be well versed with the history of her own party (let alone about this great nation)

Let's go back in time:
1. Neyogi committee was formed in 1954 by Madhya Pradesh state Govt.
2. A Bill was passed in Orissa in 1967
3. A Bill was passed in Madhya Pradesh in 1968
4. A Bill was passed in Arunachal Pradesh in 1977

2,3, and 4 were passed following the recommendations of Rege and Niyogi Committees. And which party was in power in the above mentioned states that passed these bills ? It was none other than the Congress Party.

And who appointed the Niyogi Committee whose report was only to be shelved later ? You guessed it right, it was the Congress Govt in the state of Madhya Pradesh.


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